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[Prestashop 1.6] No CART ID in Cookie/Context object


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Hello. I'm having an issue about the id_cart on the Cookie/Context object. I have a custom payment module that needs to access the Cookie/Context object from Prestashop in order to validate the order. 

Below is when I print the cookie object after purchasing an item on the shop that I'm working on. You can see that the id_cart is missing. 



This is also happening only when the customer already visited/purchased an order to the shop. If the shop was visited for the first time, the id_cart is in the object, but when you try to purchase an order again, the id_cart is missing. I already cleared the cache from the adminpanel and even in the FTP files and I also disable it for a while to test if its the cache that causing the problem but I still facing the issue. Note that since this is a payment module, the order wasn't created yet so the cookie/context object is the only reference to get the cart_id.


Below is the sample code in my custom payment module that calls the global cookie object and get the id_cart. It was the first time I encountered this issue. Everything is working fine before. 



Please share your insights on this issue. It would be a big help for me.


Edited by nosnevetzy (see edit history)
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