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Changing the display order of Attributes

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would also like to know the answer to this question. Everytime i set a default attribute the way i would like it to be ordered it never comes out right. Each page has a different order of attribute options yet they are the same attributes for all the products.

My question is still, how to make the "default" attribute order actually work or what am i doing wrong.

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  • 1 month later...

Can someone answer this please?

I am trying to get all the months of the year to show in the attributes dropdown in the correct order with no joy.

I've even put them in the correct oder on the database but they still come out in alphabetical order.

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Before answering I have just tested it out to make sure I don't mislead anyone.
I have just created an attribute group "months"
I then put in the months, as attributes, in a random order.
The thing that seems to dictate the order they appear in the dropdown
box, is the order in which you add the attributes to the product.
On the combinations page, (tab 3), of the product section, I entered the months in
order e.g. Feb, Mar, Apr,
and that is the way they appeared in the dropdown box in the actual shop.
This worked for me anyway. The months appeared in order as they should.

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I don't think there is a simple solution to this, because you would have to create a new sort order column on the database and patch it into the UI. Well, by "simple" I mean for the end user. I think some developer will have to take this on.

But I 100% agree, this issue needs to be addressed because a list of months or values in the wrong order looks quite bad and gives a negative impression to the customer about the professionalism of the merchant.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 years later...

I am trying to display my attributes on the product page - for some reason this is not working. I have entered the attributes and values into the catalog-attributes and values section but I cannot get the drop down box to appear in my product pages. - any suggestions anyone?

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