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[ SOLVED!! ] How can I delete countries?

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Hi. I am wondering how I can delete the countries that is displayed when creating an account.

I just want 1 country there, so I want to delete all the others. I think it might be just to change some code somewhere, but since I am new to Prestashop I am asking for your help. Thanks in advance! :)

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I have the same problem too. After I added a new States (Tasmania) at the Back office, I couldn’t see it displayed on the listed states column.

I went to do a test to fill up the address and on the Front Office, on the states drop-down lists has displayed (Tasmania). How can I delete the created states – Tasmania at the Back Office.

I went to search for an answer and only able to find how to delete the countries and not 'STATES'. I did sent this question to the forum but no one has replied and wanted to resolve this problem.

I greatly appreciate your help if you can advice me as I need to launch my website soon. I have attached a screen shots to make my explanation clear.

Thank you and hear from you.


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Hi Kumar,

Thank you for your quick reply. I thought no one will response my post again.

Yes, I went to look carefully of the entire listed States but I couldn't find Tasmina. The funny thing was States that I created eg Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland were not displayed on the listed States. Do you know why?

I have attached a screen shot for your preview. I will wait and hear from you soon. Thank you so much for your post.



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In the screenshot, I can see only US based states. Then there is definitely something wrong, might be database related.

What I did was since I was planning to sell only within India, I deleted all countries from the list except India and also all states by going in phpmyadmin and entered the states which I require from BO later. After which the states where getting populated properly in FO while registering.

Atleast in your case, please check ps_states table first and then if needed, add new states from phpmyadmin and see if thats reflected in BO. Or else if you need only Australian states, you can clear the table in phpmyadmin and add new states from BO.

Note: Take a backup of the ps_states table and follow the process.

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Hi, thank you for your reply. I have send you a post by fast reply.

I am afraid that I will delete some other fields in phpmyadmin and I'm not a programmer. Whether you can guide me the steps or a tutorial links that I can read and follow the example.

I found out how to backup the MySQL in phpmyadmin and do I just backup the ps_state database file or Select All.

At the bottom, I can insert a row and there are some field boxes to enter the States ID/Country/Zone. Not sure how to do that.

Thank you


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What you do here is go for the second sheet ie enter values in ps_state.

Enter these values
BLANK, 23, Australia zone code, State name, states ISO code, 0, 1

Blank means do not enter anything. Leave it empty. It is auto increment value.

Australia zone code you will find in table ps_zone which is the last one. Take the id_zone value corresponding to Australia and use in place of Austraia zone code.

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