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[Need Prestashop 1.6][Fixed Prestashop 1.7]How to add version to all css and js Files


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Dear Community,


At this moment im trying to implement on my shop (PRESTASHOP a modification that adds to the css files a version so I can ensure that the client is going to reload the page with the latest version:


The result that I would like is something like

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/url_path/mystyles.css?v=123" type="text/css" media="all" />


I have been searching for a solution and I found a thread from 2011 and updated last year, but i'm not able to run it correctly.

Thread: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/136126-auto-versioning-css-files-force-css-refresh/

(I tried creating an override with the last comment of this thread and it don't seem to work).


I hope someone can help me or at least give me the idea of how to do it.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Adrian (see edit history)
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fixed it: 

add to /override/classes/assets/StylesheetManager.php

class StylesheetManager extends StylesheetManagerCore
    protected function add($id, $fullPath, $media, $priority, $inline, $server)
        if ('local' === $server && !$inline) {
            if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullPath)) {
                $version = filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullPath);
            } else {
                $version = '1';

            $fullPath = $fullPath . '?v=' . $version;

        parent::add($id, $fullPath, $media, $priority, $inline, $server);


Edited by sharkooon (see edit history)
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  On 2/26/2018 at 8:43 PM, sharkooon said:

fixed it: 

add to /override/classes/assets/StylesheetManager.php

class StylesheetManager extends StylesheetManagerCore
    protected function add($id, $fullPath, $media, $priority, $inline, $server)
        if ('local' === $server && !$inline) {
            if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullPath)) {
                $version = filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullPath);
            } else {
                $version = '1';

            $fullPath = $fullPath . '?v=' . $version;

        parent::add($id, $fullPath, $media, $priority, $inline, $server);




Thank you for your help but in Prestashop 1.6 I do not find the class StylesheetManager, searching on Google it seems to be for Prestashop 1.7 . Thank you anyway

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