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Erreur serveur interne


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je viens de modifier les tables suivants :  psdms_feature_value_lang  ,  psdms_feature_product  ,  psdms_product  afin de modifier les attributs prix Unitaire HT ,  prix Unitaire TTC  à  partir deux fichiers csv externes extrapolés sous forme de table discounts , discounts2 : celle ci contient 4000 lignes .  En  exécutant les requêtes  , ceux en coordination avec la table discounts ( fichier pas lourd ) marche et l'autre parfois s’exécute  parfois non : il se plante même j'arrive pas à supprimer les tables concernées pour les réimporter de nouveau  ( en affichant l'erreur ci joint ) . 

ici est le code des 4 requêtes :

 UPDATE psdms_feature_value_lang t1 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_feature_product t2
 ON t1.id_feature_value = t2.id_feature_value 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_product t3 
 ON t2.id_product = t3.id_product 
 LEFT JOIN discounts t4 
 ON t3.reference = t4.refe 
 SET value = t4.prixht 
 WHERE t2.id_product 
 IN ( SELECT `id_product` FROM `psdms_product` WHERE `reference` IN ( SELECT refe from discounts)) AND t2.id_feature = 442
 UPDATE psdms_feature_value_lang t1 
  LEFT JOIN psdms_feature_product t2
 ON t1.id_feature_value = t2.id_feature_value 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_product t3 
 ON t2.id_product = t3.id_product 
 LEFT JOIN discounts t4 
 ON t3.reference = t4.refe 
 SET value = t4.prixttc 
 WHERE t2.id_product 
 IN ( SELECT `id_product` FROM `psdms_product` WHERE `reference` IN ( SELECT refe from discounts)) AND t2.id_feature = 452
 ///////////////////////////// discounts2
 UPDATE psdms_feature_value_lang t1 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_feature_product t2
 ON t1.id_feature_value = t2.id_feature_value 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_product t3 
 ON t2.id_product = t3.id_product 
 LEFT JOIN discounts2 t5 
 ON t3.reference = t5.refe 
 SET value = t5.pvttc 
 WHERE t2.id_product 
 IN ( SELECT `id_product` FROM `psdms_product` WHERE `reference` IN ( SELECT refe from discounts2)) AND t2.id_feature = 452
 UPDATE psdms_feature_value_lang t1 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_feature_product t2
 ON t1.id_feature_value = t2.id_feature_value 
 LEFT JOIN psdms_product t3 
 ON t2.id_product = t3.id_product 
 LEFT JOIN discounts2 t5 
 ON t3.reference = t5.refe 
 SET value = t5.pvht 
 WHERE t2.id_product 
 IN ( SELECT `id_product` FROM `psdms_product` WHERE `reference` IN ( SELECT refe from discounts2)) AND t2.id_feature = 442



une idée s'il vous plait ??


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