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ContextErrorException in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 39: Notice: Undefined index: identifier

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I am developping a module in which I would like to display several delivery option lists when the user is choosing the delivery option.


So, in the DisplayBeforeCarrier hook, I return

$this->display(__FILE__, 'carrier_choice.tpl');

where 'carrier_choice.tpl is a template file I created in views/templates/hook.

In order to reproduce the same form as for the original theme (see image below), I copied and past in carrier_choice.tpl the content of shipping.tpl (which is in themes\classic\templates\checkout\_partials\steps\shipping.tpl).


Problem, I have this error:



ContextErrorException in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 39: Notice: Undefined index: identifier


I targetted the error annd it comes from the first line of the code I copied from shipping.tpl, this line is:



{extends file='checkout/_partials/steps/checkout-step.tpl'}


I am stuck at this point, can't find a solution, if anyone has, it would be super :)




Image of the form I want to reproduce from my module (I want 2 of them, below one another... instead of just one)





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