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Different product for each attribute


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Hello, I'm looking for a module or something that let me do something like this.

For example, I have 2 rings (let's call it EXAMPLE) and they are the same but for the material. So I want to have 2 different products but link them as an attribute. So It would be:

- Ring EXAMPLE Silver (ID 1).

- Ring EXAMPLE Gold (ID 2).

And you can change between them like an attribute.

You can see a real example here: example.


Thank you.

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hace 55 minutos, musicmaster dijo:

That is what you can do with attribute combinations in Prestashop. You can declare combinations and you can assign each combination its own picture. 

Yes, but It will be the same product (same ID) and It will only appear 1 time in category page as far as I know (you can fix this with a module).


Anyway, I was looking for something like the example I said. They are 2 different products but they are linked.

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