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Weight Issue Danea2Prestashop

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Hello guys,
I have a problem with the 2beweb2 danea2prestashop module.
Already at the installation we had problems because it did not load the right images, solved by doing every synchronization with the regeneration of the miniatures.
Often wrong price of a few cents, for example if a price is set at € 3.00 in Danea, on Prestashop is € 3.02.

But the most important thing is that the weight is wrong.
I need to set different shipping costs based on weight.
for example, if I set the weight of a substance on Danea to 430 ml, the "packing weight" is marked automatically at prestashop at 430kg. How can I remedy the problem?

The assistance of 2beweb2 never gave assistance.
I do not know how to intervene!
Thank you!

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-13 at 11.11.12.jpeg

Schermata 2018-02-13 alle 10.55.16.png

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