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Is there anyone who has same problem with Google Rich Cards v1.0.3 - by Arpanova? Here the problem, i have bought this module on addons.prestashop and after I instaled my structured data errors are increased as the value of bitcoin. I contacted developer and he told me it is becouse of custom template and he can fix it for 70 euro!!

Of course i have deinstaled module immediately when i have seen that for short time there are 4413 errors!!!

Now i nstaled free module "Google Rich Snippets v2.1.2 - by Sinus IKS d.o.o" and after that the number of errors is reduced to only 272 errors and I believe that errors will be 0 in a few days. Please see atached picture...

Does anyone had same issue and know how to fix this issue with module?

Thanks in advance.

Strukturierte Daten.png

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Developer might be right. Your theme already emits microdata (and not all of them valid). You have added a new module that emits yet another microdata, in addition to what there was already.

Your page now contained two sets of microdata (which were redundant. to some point). And google really don't like that. That's probably the reason why number of errors raised so significantly. Google just complained there is too much noise...

That module is probably designed to be used with templates that don't emit structured data themselves. So, if you modify your template to NOT emit microdata, the module might work just fine... I don't know this module, so no guarantee.

Alternatively, you can ditch the module and fix microdata in your template template, if you know how to do that. If you don't, you can always hire someone to do it for you. But since freelances charge anything between $30-$150/hour, and this will take a few hours at least, you could also consider the offer module developer gave you.


Edited by DataKick (see edit history)
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