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FREE pop up module


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Well, if You know a little bit of code then You can edit file modules\producttooltip\views\templates\hook\producttooltip.tpl and edit .growl attributes.

You have readme how to edit growl library here https://github.com/ksylvest/jquery-growl on the bottom. You can set style, location (br = bottom-right, tl = top-left etc), message and many others. It is kinda easy using js parameters.. From readme:

delayOnHover: while hovering over the alert, prevent it from being dismissed (true | false - default: true)
duration: the duration (in milliseconds) for which the alert is displayed (default: 3200)
fixed: whether the alert should be fixed rather than auto-dismissed (true | false - default: false)
location: the alert's position ('tl' | 'tr' | 'bl' | 'br' | 'tc' | 'bc' - default: 'tr')
size: the alert's size ('small' | 'medium' | 'large' - default: 'medium')
style: the alert's style ('default' | 'error' | 'notice' | 'warning' - default: 'default')


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