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Hello friends,

My details:
Prestashop 1.7.2

I have a problem when I customize the website. If I have adapted the Theme.css then I will not see anything happening.

What have I done:
1: Force compilation Checked
2: Cache is off
3: Smart Cache for CSS on and off
4: Cache removed: / var / www / html / cache / smarty
                                  / var / www / html / themes / PRSADD040 / assets / cache
                                  / var / www / html / themes / PRSADD040 / cache
5: I always see when I open the website a new file in: / var / www / html / themes / PRSADD040 / assets / cache adds a file theme-9f378f.css
6:Cookies removed from my browser and another browser tested

I think there are several people who are not happy with the cache. Maybe useful to explain it one more time.

With kind regards,
Mark Lindeboom

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