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Just moved my shop to root level - what security?


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For a few months now I have been configuring my shop in a sub-folder to keep it away from direct internet links. I have just moved it to the root level so that my website url goes straight into the shop. I have checked the chmod permissions and I can confirm that folders are 755 and files 644.

What else should I do to secure?

I will be installing an SSL cert soon, and do I need to do anything with an .htaccess file?



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You can add the following to your .htaccess file to prevent your TPL files being downloaded:

  Order deny,allow
   Deny from All

Otherwise, there isn't anything else you need to do for security.

Thanks rocky, I will implement this today.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm not sure. PrestaShop instructions say chmod 666, but they are wrong about the chmod 777 permissions, so they might be wrong again. Try giving it chmod 644 permissions, then check whether the friendly URLs still work and that you are able to regenerate the .htaccess file.

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