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Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)

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Hey guys, I am a first time user with little knowledge on this.

I am installing prestashop 1.7  on my localhost using wampserver.

When installing prestashop, on the page "Configure your database by filling out the following fields", I was asked the "database server name", database name, login, password, and when I tested, It gave me the message "Database Server is not found. Please verify the login, password and server fields (DbPDO)".

I had previously created a database on wampserver called prestashop, so it supposed to recognize.

I read something about SSL but i did not understand.

I have a host "hostinger.com" and I actually got the SSL there, but I choose to build the page in my computer first, and in the near future upload it.

Interesting is that when I tried to go to wamp and access prestashop file from there in other to begin instalation, it did not open. I was only able to start instalation because out of the blue i decide to type my webname cafedelospueblos.com and the instalation started. So i followed the steps.

What could be the problem?

Thanks for the help.


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  • 6 months later...

Can you check whether you are able to connect to this database using a software such as MySQL workbench ?

This software will allow you to read and manage your database content provided it has the right informations which are the same required by prestashop:  database server name, database name, login, password. So if it works with MySQL workbench and not with Prestashop it is a bug. If it does not work for both, the informations you have are not right.

Example of such softwares: https://www.eversql.com/top-5-mysql-gui-tools-for-windows/

As an example here are my settings for MAMP server:

Server address:
Database name: prestashop (I created it so I gave it this name)
Login: root
Password: root

This is a setting for debug (as you can guess from the insecure password) only

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

After first install, localhost worked just fine. Then for other reasons I had to re-install my Prestashop and although nothing changed (besides PHP version) it did not want to connect to my db anymore. I tried but to no avail. Then at my host webpage under database settings I found the server address which is supposed to work from everywhere, in my case (note that I also had to specify the port):


I still don't know why localhost doesn't work tho.

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