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More products on the home page

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I'd like to display more products on my home page. I've changed the default settings of number of products in the "featured" "new" "popular" "specials" sections. Each section is displaying on a tab, rather then under each other.  Can these be separated from the tabs and fill more of the home page?   OR Ideally, I'd like to have a section on the home page for each of my categories. Say "Featured" from category 1, under that would be "Featured" from category 2, then 3, 4, 5, etc.. where "Featured" would be the name of the category. 

I have PS


Also, in the menu on the left, is there a way to have the subcategories be displayed by default, without the need to click on the category for each?  thanks :) 


I apologize if this has been asked a hundred times.. I am trying to search for answers on google and in the forums and so far the answers I've seen aren't what I'm needing. 





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I have a module, that could display unlimited number of product category on home page. 

Example: http://prntscr.com/ib9cxy it could display 3 product block in home page.

But it was developed for Prestashop

Please try it on a dev site before install in your live site.

PS: I don't know why I can't upload via PS forum. You can download here: https://app.box.com/s/h3ja7tjdqqllolqli8bcehjjf1qamcom

If you need a Abandoned Cart Reminder Module please try the one: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/remarketing-shopping-cart-abandonment/26740-abandoned-cart-reminder-5-in-1.html

Edited by globosoftware.net (see edit history)
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