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Buenos días, 

necesito ayuda por favor, me da el siguiente error y no me deja entrar en el back office de mi tienda.

por favor, alguien que me indique que tengo que hacer para solucionarlo. 


muchas gracias de antemano

Exception in CartPresenter.php line 281: CartPresenter can only present instance of Cart

  1. in CartPresenter.php line 281
  2. at CartPresenter->present(null) in ps_shoppingcart.php line 85
  3. at Ps_Shoppingcart->getWidgetVariables('displayAdminAfterHeader', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Internal_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => null, 'altern' => '1')) in ps_shoppingcart.php line 97
  4. at Ps_Shoppingcart->renderWidget('displayAdminAfterHeader', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Internal_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => null, 'altern' => '1')) in Hook.php line 900
  5. at HookCore::coreRenderWidget(object(Ps_Shoppingcart), 'displayAdminAfterHeader', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Internal_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => null, 'altern' => '1')) in Hook.php line 861
  6. at HookCore::exec('displayAdminAfterHeader', array('smarty' => object(Smarty_Internal_Template), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => null, 'altern' => '1'), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 168
  7. at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayAdminAfterHeader'), object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
  8. at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayAdminAfterHeader'), object(Smarty_Internal_Template))) in 5af7d6f8d42d21bfb187ae91b67f9848d30c987c.file.header.tpl.php line 546
  9. at content_5a77882e20a374_85122708(object(Smarty_Internal_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
  10. at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('header.tpl') in AdminController.php line 1821
  11. at AdminControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 225
  12. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 379
  13. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 95
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