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reinstall the database and all product images are not shown


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after reinstall the database, all product images and category images are gone.

i tried to regenerate all image and got the error below

  1. Original image is missing or empty (/home1/new6/public_html/testnew/img/p/1/1.jpg) for product ID 

i checked the image folder, all images are  with the format png, not jpg. 

the system is looking for the image in jpg format, but all images are store in png.

anyone know how to fix this?


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2 hours ago, musicmaster said:

At Back Office > Preferences > Images you have 3 options for "Image quality": Use JPEG; Use PNG only if the base image is in PNG format; Use PNG for all images.

i am using PS

i have tried to use PNG or JPG. still get the same error.

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i realize that after i reinstalled the database. the prestashop will recreate the image path for all products and saved all images as PNG format.

see below (same product):

http://testnew.xxx.com/img/p/3/6/6/366-home_default.jpg (before)

http://testnew.xxx.com/img/p/3/5/2/352-home_default.jpg (after reinstall the database.)


those images in the old path folders still exist with both jpg and png format.

The new folder (after reinstall) storef only png format. (missing jpg images)

The website is linking to the jpg format. that's the reason saying missing.


anyone knows the fix?

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hi Musicmaster

thanks for trying to help!

for png files i refer to the image folders.

for jpg...i refer to my font store img link. 

i download all images on the folders and converted them to jpg, then upload them back. now my website can shows all images. this is not a good solution since i will face this problem again if i reinstall the database. 



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