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How to Print Credit Card Type in Place of Payment Method


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I just went live with our site utilizing Prestashop 1.6

We received our first online order and I noticed an issue in the Orders back office and also on the printed/emailed invoices & orders.

The payment method shown on these forms says "Authorize.Net" instead of the credit card type that was used for the order (Visa, MasterCard, etc.).

Authorize.net is our payment gateway of course and is not meaningful.

Has anyone else seen this issue?

And how do I print/display the credit card type that was used for the order instead of the payment gateway (which will always say Authorize.net for every order)?

Thanks in advance for any assistance...


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Yea unfortunately this was just a bad design/oversight on Prestashop's part, where they originally forced module developers to use the name of their module as the payment method.

However this changed back in a previous version of PS v1.6, however most developers did not update their modules, probably because they are not aware.

So it is possible to update a module to use something more meaningful, however it may not be possible to use the exact card type.  That depends if the authorize.net gateway provides the card type back to the module.  At the very least, you could use "Credit Card" as the payment method, which would be much more meaningful

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