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Different Values in Dashbord and Orderlist


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i am using latest PS Version and noticed that the Data in Dashboard is not the same as under Order. I select on both pages date from 1.2.2018 - 31.01.2018 an get different count of order. In dashboard i have 43 and under order i have only 36. Which is correct, or is it a bug ?



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Most likely the two locations use different criteria. For example one may count an order when it is placed, another when it is paid or when it is delivered. Try to take a short time period where you have some 5 orders and try to find an explanation by looking closely at what happened in that period.


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I don't know. The only thing I can suggest is to look at the actual queries. You can see them with the following setting in /config/defines.inc.php: 

define('_PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_', true);

As a result at the bottom of every page that you call in Prestashop you will see a list of all queries that have been called to make it.

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