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Re-coding options found in 'items per page' of the pagination in category


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Change line 3 of pagination.php from:

$nArray = intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')) != 10 ? array(intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')), 10, 20, 50) : array(10, 20, 50);


$nArray = intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')) != 12 ? array(intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')), 12, 24, 48) : array(12, 24, 48);

You'll need to go to Preferences > Products and change the "Products per page" from 10 to 12 to prevent the pagination options becoming "10, 12, 24, 48".

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  • 8 months later...

It seems to be moved in 1.4. Has anybody figured out where it is in 1.4?

Also, how to make the pagination disappear if there is certain amount or less products in the category? There is really no point to have it then, is there?

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It's on line 522 of classes/FrontController.php (in PrestaShop v1.4.1):

$nArray = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')) != 10 ? array((int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')), 10, 20, 50) : array(10, 20, 50);

You should create override/classes/FrontController.php, copy the pagination function, then to change it:

class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
   public function pagination($nbProducts = 10)
       if (!self::$initialized)

       $nArray = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')) != 10 ? array((int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')), 10, 20, 50) : array(10, 20, 50);
       $this->n = abs((int)(Tools::getValue('n', ((isset(self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page) AND self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page >= 10) ? self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page : (int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'))))));
       $this->p = abs((int)(Tools::getValue('p', 1)));
       $range = 2; /* how many pages around page selected */

       if ($this->p < 0)
           $this->p = 0;

       if (isset(self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page) AND $this->n != self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page AND in_array($this->n, $nArray))
           self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page = $this->n;

       if ($this->p > ($nbProducts / $this->n))
           $this->p = ceil($nbProducts / $this->n);
       $pages_nb = ceil($nbProducts / (int)($this->n));

       $start = (int)($this->p - $range);
       if ($start < 1)
           $start = 1;
       $stop = (int)($this->p + $range);
       if ($stop > $pages_nb)
           $stop = (int)($pages_nb);
       self::$smarty->assign('nb_products', $nbProducts);
       $pagination_infos = array(
           'pages_nb' => (int)($pages_nb),
           'p' => (int)($this->p),
           'n' => (int)($this->n),
           'nArray' => $nArray,
           'range' => (int)($range),
           'start' => (int)($start),
           'stop' => (int)($stop)

PrestaShop already hides the pagination options that are less than the number of products, so I don't understand why you need to change it.

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Thank you!

PrestaShop already hides the pagination options that are less than the number of products, so I don’t understand why you need to change it.

Indeed it does hide the 'go to page 1, 2, 3 ...' options but not the dropdown 'display 10, 20, 50 per page'. I am in a category consisting 14 items and there are options to display 10 or 20. With only 14 products, this is really unnecessary so I'd better remove it.

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Oh, I see now why that is. This is because of the default 10 items. I did change it to 30, 60, 120 per page. There are 3 instances of '10' in the code, after changing them all to 30 it still displays the dropdown with an option '30' + customized 'all'.

Where did I go wrong here:

    public function pagination($nbProducts = 30)
       if (!self::$initialized)

       $nArray = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')) != 30 ? array((int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE')), 30, 60, 120) : array(30, 30, 120);
       $this->n = abs((int)(Tools::getValue('n', ((isset(self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page) AND self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page >= 30) ? self::$cookie->nb_item_per_page : (int)(Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'))))));

EDIT: it was {if $nb_products > 10} in pagination.tpl.

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