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Display a product after email newsletter subscription verification

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Some help needed please.

I want to be direct people to my newsletter subscription page as part of a promotion. After people have signed up to the newsletter I want to be able to direct them to a product suggestion, but I also want to retain the standard message "Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter" so that it is clear why the user has ended up at that page (which is generated from verification.php in the ps_emailsubscription module).  I have e-mail verification turned on to get this last step.

I'm not at all sure how to achieve this, I basically just want to extend the message a bit more (that bit I can do), and then add a product to the blank area on the page which can then be clicked on to open up the detail as elsewhere on the site. I'm happy to hard code the product id as it's only one product I want to point them at presently.

I'm using the classic template, prestashop 1.7.

Can anyone give some guidance please?

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