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"There is 1 error : 01 an error occurred while sending message" Prestashop 1.3.1

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Hello, I have the following error in version 1.3.1 Prestashop "There is 1 error : 01 an error occurred while sending message" Prestashop 1.3.1

My server is Godaddy but it works correctly send e-mail through PHP.

What elements are involved in the configuration of contact-form.php to reinstall again?

Please help!!!!

Attach error


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  • 2 months later...

Hard to troubleshoot without knowing how exactly you are trying to send mail. You should post your basic setup (minus account names or passwords of course). GoDaddy is historically very restrictive about what they let you do and there is no way to troubleshoot without knowing what you are trying to do.

For example, on one host I use they will block any SMTP sent email that uses an IP (since it is against the RFCs and a common sign of spam) or their local domain in the HELO/EHLO greeting. The sending domain is not exposed by Prestashop (unfortunately) and so has to be changed in the mail related library itself. But this is only relevant for the case where you are using SMTP to send outbound messages. So posting your basic mail configuration is important if you want help.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Hard to troubleshoot without knowing how exactly you are trying to send mail. You should post your basic setup (minus account names or passwords of course). GoDaddy is historically very restrictive about what they let you do and there is no way to troubleshoot without knowing what you are trying to do.

For example, on one host I use they will block any SMTP sent email that uses an IP (since it is against the RFCs and a common sign of spam) or their local domain in the HELO/EHLO greeting. The sending domain is not exposed by Prestashop (unfortunately) and so has to be changed in the mail related library itself. But this is only relevant for the case where you are using SMTP to send outbound messages. So posting your basic mail configuration is important if you want help.


Hi, codegrunt. I experienced the same problem. I have the following error “There is 1 error : 01 an error occurred while sending message”, version 1.3.1 Prestashop.
It happen every time using SMTP.
Here's my smtp configuration:
mtphost : smtp.gmail.com
user : [email protected]
password : password
encryption : SSL
port : 465

I have try change encryption to TLS and port 587 but still not working.
please help!

best regards,

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To sort out what is going wrong would require adding some debugging to the Send() method of "classes/Mail.php" and / or the send() method in ./tools/swift/Swift.php. My guess is that you are running into a local firewall blocking outbound socket connections but it would require some debugging to know for sure. Try asking your webhost's support department whether outbound socket connections are allowed from PHP scripts.


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To sort out what is going wrong would require adding some debugging to the Send() method of "classes/Mail.php" and / or the send() method in ./tools/swift/Swift.php. My guess is that you are running into a local firewall blocking outbound socket connections but it would require some debugging to know for sure. Try asking your webhost's support department whether outbound socket connections are allowed from PHP scripts.


Thank you very much codegrunt.
I'll contact my provider.
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  • 1 month later...
I am hosted on BlueHost and I have also had this problem with the Contact form. I followed one piece of the fix provided by presto-changeo, and the problem seems to be fixed. Here is my post from a different thread:

I would have preferred a cleaner solution than hacking up my code on a clean install of PS 1.3.6, but I went ahead did the following to allow shoppers, who are not logged into my store, to send me a message using the Contact form.

In /tools/swift/Swift.php, after line #370:
    if (!($has_reply_to = $message->getReplyTo())) $message->setReplyTo($from);

add the following line of code:

    if (!$has_reply_to[0]) $message->setReplyTo($from->getAddress());

That was the only change that was needed for my site ... there are many other code hacks mentioned for this problem, but not all of them may be relevant.

I've tried this and all advice in any forum, but no luck. I've contact my provider and give them my admin shop + email password as they ask, but still no luck. I decide to move my shop to another hosting server tomorrow. I hope this will solve my problem.
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