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BUG Smarty dev Catégory and product

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I am currently experiencing a problem. I want to display the category image above the breadcrump (breadcrumb). So I retrieved the code from the file category.tpl:

{if $category.image.large.url}
<div class="category-cover-img">
<img src="{$category.image.large.url}" alt="{$category.image.legend}">

And put it in a template called: image-category.tpl In my breadcrump.tpl template I add an <include> at the top of the code:

{include file='catalog/listing/image-category.tpl'}
<DIV class="ps_breadcumb hidden-md-down">  <DIV class="container">    <DIV class="wrap clearfix breadcrumb hidden-sm-down">

Once on a category page my image is displayed correctly and in the right place. But when I click on a product, I have this error: (see photo) Can you help me?

In addition I just realized that I had the same error when I add an associated product


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