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Change Title Names UK


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Hi there I'm hoping I have posted in the correct section.

Could anyone tell me if there's a way of changing 'Customize' to 'Customise' 

I have product options on my items but would like to use the correct spelling for the UK.

I believe the Z is the US way of spelling customize. I've searched and searched but can't find the answer.

Thank you so much.

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Some options:

 - you can load the localisation pack for the UK - although I am not sure whether that contains en-uk as a separate language

 - you can introduce en-uk as a new language. If there is a language pack for it you can download that. Otherwise you can just create a new language. For all terms for which you don't provide a translation it will use the en-us original so you need to fill in only the changes.

Directly changing the templates is not recommended. It will break translations in other languages and it might give problems with upgrades overwriting your changes.

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