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Poll: Featured Products Module


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When setting the "Number of product displayed" on the Featured Products Module, if you set it to a value < 4, you will have a blank space in the DIV that contains your featured products.

My thought is that this is a bad design and it should auto-fit based on the 'Number of product displayed" value.
If you have the value set to 2, it should make the inner DIVs 1/2 the width of the outer DIV. If you have it set to 3, it should make the inner DIVs 1/3 the width of the outer DIV.

Now if you have > 4, it should auto-fit based on the number divided by 4 and center the second row. If you have the value set to 5, it would make the DIVs in the first row 1/4 the width of the outer DIV and the one item in the second row needs to be the full width of the outer DIV. Not left aligned with 3 blanks spaces.

I'm hoping this poll will give the developers some feedback to how it [should] be designed.

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