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theme enable error


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it is compatible for 1.7.my error as below(when i enable the theme)

Exception in ModuleManager.php line 566: The module tt_productimagehover must be installed first

  1. in ModuleManager.php line 566
  2. at ModuleManager->checkIsInstalled('tt_productimagehover') in ModuleManager.php line 368
  3. at ModuleManager->enable('tt_productimagehover') in ThemeManager.php line 290
  4. at ThemeManager->doEnableModules(array('ps_linklist', 'ttbestsellers', 'ttfeaturedproducts', 'ttnewproducts', 'ttspecials', 'smartblog', 'smartbloghomelatestnews', 'ttcompare', 'ttproductwishlist', 'ttproductcomments', 'tt_productimagehover', 'ttblocksearch', 'ttproductcountdown', 'tttoplink', 'ttcmsheader', 'ttcmstopbanner', 'ttcmsbanner', 'ttcmstestimonial', 'ttcategoryslider', 'ttcmssubbanners', 'ttcategoryfeature', 'ttbrandlogo', 'ttcmsservices', 'ttcmsfooter', 'ps_advertising', 'ps_newproducts', 'ps_specials', 'ps_currencyselector', 'ps_languageselector', 'ps_shoppingcart', 'ps_customersignin', 'ps_imageslider', 'ps_emailsubscription', 'ps_customeraccountlinks', 'ps_contactinfo', 'ps_socialfollow', 'ps_mainmenu', 'ps_categorytree', 'ps_facetedsearch', 'ps_searchbar', 'ps_sharebuttons', 'blockreassurance', 'ps_featuredproducts')) in ThemeManager.php line 176
  5. at ThemeManager->enable('PRS01') in AdminThemesController.php line 307
  6. at AdminThemesControllerCore->postProcess() in Controller.php line 194
  7. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 379
  8. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 95
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tt_productimagehover is not a standard Prestashop module. So I don't think it is a hosting issue. You might try what happens if you give the theme what it wants and install tt_productimagehover first (just copy the files below the modules directory and you can install it in backoffice).

You might also spend some time investigating the documentation of your theme. Some themes have special installation instructions and cannot be installed the "normal" way.

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