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Error in the middle of updating, 1-click update, Internal Server Error " jqXHR: "


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Dear Forum Members,

I would be really happy if you could help me with my problem. I'm trying to update my prestashop, from to with the 1-click module.

I've downloaded everything manually, extracted them into the autoupdate/latest and started updating. (updating normally gave an internal server error at decompressing the archive, which I could not solve with changing the timeout and memory value in the php.ini)

The manual update works fine, till updating the vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Yaml/inline.php. Before, it says 696 files left to upgrade. There I get the error: [Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeFiles] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: " "  Screenshot see attached.

I've tried to update the shop several times, changing the php.ini memory and timeout limit, also changing the prestashop switch for non-native modules. The update always gets stuck at the very same file. Do you have an idea how can I solve this problem? I would really appreciate your help!


Thank you.

Best Regards,



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 " jqXHR" is almost meaningless. It just means that Ajax returned an invalid value - in the view of the receiving js file.

Usually it means that the php that was called by Ajax crashed. So you can do two things:

 - look in your php error log

 - Look in your console (F12 in Chrome) and see what value was returned by the Ajax call. In this case you should have development mode enabled.


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