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Missing images after CSV import - 1.6 - shop down


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Hope you help. I've had to take my shop/business out of action and desperately need some help.

I did a repricing on my product range with a delete all products and import via csv import. Now i have some/most of my images missing. I have 2 images for each product and it mainly seems to be the first image that is mostly missing.

I checked:

  • that the images are on my hosting server - all good
  • that the image location link on the csv is corrct - all good
  • cleared my cashe
  • Deleted my .htaccess
  • changed to friendly urls
  • change back to 'non' friendly urs


Massive thanks in advance for any help




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If 1.6 works the same way as 1.7, there is a table ps_image that stores id_image vs id_product. If you have deleted the products before importing them back, your re-imported products have new id's. You need to rebuild the ps_image table. To do this, you need to have the old id's of your products. If you don't have a backup of your database, you're dead ;).

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