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RE: Affiliate MyShopping Integration


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Hi guys,

I'm looking to implement a MyShopping Tracking code into my Prestashop website.

They currently don't have a tutorial on how to implement it for PS.

This is an example of how to do it in Oscommerce

The code is 

<img src="https://www.myshopping.com.au/sale.asp?mid=YourMerchantID&amount=<?php echo number_format($order_total_result[value],2) ; ?>&order=<?php echo $order_id ; ?>"  width="1" height="1">

I think I need to implement this into the order-confirmation.tpl but I'm not 100% sure how to do it as PS doesn’t allow php tags.

I thought about putting it into the controller or class for order but these files are php only, not a mix.

Can anyone provide any guidance on how this would work in PS 1.6.1.x? 


Edited by motion2082 (see edit history)
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