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[SOLVED]Voucher not accepted, currency wrong

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That occurs when a voucher has been generated for a specific amount. PrestaShop makes the voucher only usable for the currency that was used when the voucher was generated. If you manually create a voucher for a specified amount, you also must specify a currency, otherwise that error message will occur when you try to use it.

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem.
But i don't see where I can specify the currency and I don't have a drop down box either where I specify the voucher.
Do I have to change something else first? (I am using only one currency in my shop.)
Thanks a lot


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I am still having the same problem, no clear solution for currency problem on vouchers by amount (not % percentage)
the error is: this voucher can only be used in the following currency

which part of db, i have to change id_currency from “0” to “1” ?
coz there is no dropdown menu to set the curreny while creating new voucher by amount, on PS version 1.3.1

thanks for your kindly help.

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Finally i have solved the problem:
on classes folder - discount.php , i have changed
['id_currency'] = intval($this->id_currency); replaced
['id_currency'] = 1 /id number of your currency/

be sure that u type the correct currency id, check it on BO-payment-currencies

so now voucher by amount is working without getting the (this voucher can only be used in the following currency) error on PS 1.3.1

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