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way to sell new and used version of same item?

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I am making a bookstore so we can sell and buy textbooks online. What does everyone think the best way would be to sell new and used versions of the same items, and have different prices for each?

For example, the user/customer goes to the webpage, looks up a book or finds it in their category, then can see prices for both new and used items. They also would need to be able to somehow select which one they want before adding the item to their cart.

It seems kind of simple, but is this possible/feasible?

Thanks for any input/advice.


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I suggest using attributes to do that. Go to Catalog > Attributes and groups and create a "Type" attribute group with attributes "New" and "Used", then go to the "3. Combinations" tab of the product editor, then click the Product Combinations Generator, select the "New" and "Used" attributes in the list box on the right, then enter the price differences compared to the base price, then click Generate, then "Back to product".

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is there any way to do this if i have a csv i'm importing with the new and used prices already in it? like, can i define the new and used attributes, and assign my new and used price columns in the spreadsheet to those attributes?

thank you for your help!

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See the Wiki. You need to have two CSV files: one for the products and another for the combinations. The product CSV should contains something like the following:

ID;Active;Name;Categories (x,y,z...);Price;Tax rate;Wholesale price;On sale (0/1);Reduction amount;Reduction per cent
Reduction from;Reduction to;Reference #;Supplier reference #;Supplier;Manufacturer;EAN13;Ecotax;Weight;Quantity;Short description;Description;Tags (x,y,z...);Meta-title;Meta-keywords;Meta-description;URL rewrited;Text when in-stock;Text if back-order allowed;Image URLs (x,y,z...)
1;1;Hilux;1,2;0;10;0;0;0;0;2010-08-15 12:00:00;2010-08-15 12:00:00;HLX;;0;1;;0;0;1;This is a Hilux;;;;;;hilux;;;http://www.yoursite.com/upload/import/Hilux.jpg

This will add a product with ID 1 to your site with name "Hilux". It will go in categories 1 and 2 and have a tax rate of 10%. I put two identical dates and times into the reduction to and from fields since there is a bug that has been recently fixed that causes problems if you don't specify dates. I also specified a friendly URL "hilux", since another bug recently fixed causes problems if you leave it out. Finally, I added a link to the product image, assuming you've uploaded it to the upload/import directory on your server.

To add the "New" and "Used" attributes, you'll need to create a combinations CSV file that looks like the following:


This will add "New" and "Used" options to product 1 and set the price of "New" to 2000 and "Used" to 1000 and make "New" the default. I also made up two reference codes "HLX-New" and "HLX-Used" and gave both a quantity of 1.

There are many things that can go wrong when importing, which is why there are so many people who have trouble getting import to work. Hopefully, this post will help you to get it working.

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  • 1 month later...


importing attributes works as described but it has one nasty ERROR!
It duplicates atributes with every new import.
It dont reckognise attribute as allready existing but instead imports it as new one with unique ID.

Does anyone have any solution to this?

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  • 4 weeks later...

importing attributes works as described but it has one nasty ERROR!
It duplicates atributes with every new import.
It dont reckognise attribute as allready existing but instead imports it as new one with unique ID.

Does anyone have any solution to this?

I search in change log:
v1.3.0.2 - 1902 (2010-25-02) url:http://www.prestashop.com/download/changelog_1.3.2.3.txt
[-] BO : Fixed bug #3712 - Attribute value import was always new

But, i use and i have same problame.

any solution?
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  • 2 months later...

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