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[Solved] All tabs in presta Back Office GONE

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ok here is what happend...

i was changing settings in the employees tabs under profiles using presta shop Version - 0.337s
in prestashops back office, when i accidently altered the permissions in a way that gave niether of the two profiles under the employees tab the ability to edit or delete. so i was stuck i couldnt alter the permissions on either of the 2 profiles that i had named administrator and the other tech administrator. so i thought..........

well ill fix that ill just delete the two profiles under employees tab and recreate a new one called administrator and just reenter the permissions all over agian.....

but when i deleted the profiles ALL MY TABS in the back office disipeared and it siad error it didnt specify that i remember i cant get it to redisplay the eroor message but i dont believe that it said anything else but just error where the tabs use to be

I can log in to the Back office. but no tabs show It will kill me literatly if i have to reinstall this script from scratch i have no back ups what can i do to restore the tabs without reinstalling

please be specific when suggesting a fix on a scale of 1 to 10 of computer web programming expertise i would say im about a 6

thanks in advance for any help that you can provide thanks

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Try running the following SQL query on your database using phpMyAdmin:

INSERT INTO `ps_profile` (`id_profile`) VALUES (1);
INSERT INTO `ps_profile_lang` (`id_profile`, `id_lang`, `name`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Administrator'),(1, 2, 'Administrateur'),(1, 3, 'Administrador');
INSERT INTO `ps_access` (`id_profile`, `id_tab`, `view`, `add`, `edit`, `delete`) (SELECT 1, id_tab, 1, 1, 1, 1 FROM ps_tab);

This should recreate the administrator profile.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, i'll have the same problem after i changed a few rights like 755 or 644
After this i can not see the tabs in the admin panel
This is what i have when i check the database


INSERT INTO `ps_profile` ( `id_profile` )
VALUES ( 1 ) ;

MySQL retourneerde: Documentatie
#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1

Can you help me please, i can not also create a bacup or set back a backup
I have always an error

Thank Eddy

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I'll try this but i don't have an ps_access tables file.
When i do the query after emptying the ps_profile and ps_profile_lang then i have this erro
SQL-query: Documentatie

INSERT INTO `ps_access` ( `id_profile` , `id_tab` , `view` , `add` , `edit` , `delete` ) (

SELECT 1 , id_tab, 1, 1, 1, 1
FROM ps_tab

MySQL retourneerde: Documentatie
#1146 - Table 'yourwebs_ps1.ps_access' doesn't exist

What can i do now please ?
Is it not possible to create a new shop and copy all the maps and files from the damaged shop, or working with the database from the damaged shop to the new created shop ?

Thanks in advance

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hello i'm in the administration panel now, i have exported the access file from a mirror site and imported in the dameged webshop.
Everything works but my product text are gone now
Have you please a solution for this to get this back ?

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How can i restore missing tables please.
I have i think all tables, but i don't know how restore this.
You can see maybe on my website wat is the problem, if you want i can give you maybe the login, if you want.

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I am having trouble with no tabs showing in BO and have tried everything in all the posts I have found on the topic including this, but nothing helps. I have no problem logging into BO and I can access my shop if I write the address in the broswer but I can't go anywhere in BO. I just come to the first Welcome page. The quick access menu is also empty.
The shop uses Prestashop 1.3.3 and is on a xampp server on my mac.

Please, does anyone has any idea what is wrong? I'm all out of ideas to try.

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  • 2 months later...


I need help, I just installed a new install of version 1.3.7 and it installed ok via installatron on my host but I log into the admin panel and there are no tabs on the top, does anyone know why or how to get them to appear? Thanks for anyone's help. This is a new domain and I first tried installing version and had problems so I uninstalled it and deleted the directory it was in and then installed version 1.3.7.


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Make sure that css/admin.css has uploaded correctly to your server. Also, check to make sure that your "PS directory" on the Preferences tab is right.

If you've installed PrestaShop in the root directory (public_html or www, for example), then it should be /

If you've installed PrestaShop in a subdirectory like "shop", then it should be /shop/

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  • 2 years later...

Hi rocky, i try your suggestion to reset all employee permissions to the default PrestaShop ones. But when i try to empty the ps-table i receive this error:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1

I try also to delete the table id_profile but the error is: You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead


Can you helm me?

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