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How to edit the prduct page


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With the help of this forum ive been venturing into making some more complex changes to Prestashop. I'd like to keep this going by being able to make some edits to my product page (in this case a template that i bought using V1.7).

Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide/tutorial on how to do something this (edit a product page). How did you learn to do more complex stuff in Prestashop. I have PHPstorm and a PHPstorm Lynda training course but i don't want to 'waste' hours maybe going in the wrong direction?

My end goal to begin with is to 'just' add a second associations section on each of my product pages. The first for soft toys the second for chocolates etc). I expect i might need to create a new database entry and add code to a tpl file and various changes to php files?


I was thinking that the ap page builder module that i bought would let me do this way way more easily - but it appears not.



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There are some files that you need to modify if you want to edit product page.

1. tpl file /themes/[your-theme-name]/templates/catalog/product.tpl

This is the main file if you need edit product page. You can edit html, smarty code in the file. 

2. controller file: controllers/front/ProductController.php

This is product controller file. It put content to above tpl file. If you need edit the file, I recommend you should create override file. So you will be easier to upgrade Prestashop.

Good luck. 

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