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Which template/controller is responsible for ps_facetedsearch result

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According the  ps 1.7 documentation I created custom tpl file for onecategory in "templates/catalog/listing" and I called it "category-20.tpl" (20 is the category id)

After that the custom render is OK, but I have a problem when products are filtered by ps_facetedsearch module.

When I click on any filter the render is coming back to the default category.tpl view

Is anybody faced this problem or can tell me how manage this problem


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That is interesting question. Could you first give bit more info like your PrestaShop version and do you maybe have custom theme ?


Now after looking a code a bit I noticed this in classes/controllers/ProductListingFrontController.php 

    protected function getAjaxProductSearchVariables()
        $search = $this->getProductSearchVariables();

        $rendered_products_top = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-top', array('listing' => $search));
        $rendered_products = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products', array('listing' => $search));
        $rendered_products_bottom = $this->render('catalog/_partials/products-bottom', array('listing' => $search));

        $data = array(
            'rendered_products_top' => $rendered_products_top,
            'rendered_products' => $rendered_products,
            'rendered_products_bottom' => $rendered_products_bottom,

        foreach ($search as $key => $value) {
            $data[$key] = $value;

        return $data;

So maybe there it loads default parts of category. 

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My prestashop version is

Yes I use custom theme

I forget to mention all steps that I implemented:

1. Create file category-20.tpl identical as category.tpl

2. Modify code in category-20.tpl (instead of standard product-list.tpl change to product-list-custom.tpl)

{extends file='catalog/listing/product-list-custom.tpl'}

3. Create file product-list-custom.tpl identical as product-list.tpl

4. Modify the code in  product-list-custom.tpl  (instead of standard product.tpl change to product-custom.tpl)

{include file='catalog/_partials/products-custom.tpl' listing=$listing}

5. Create file product-custom.tpl identical as product.tpl

6. Modify the code in  product-custom.tpl  (instead of standard miniature product.tpl change to custom miniature product-custom.tpl)

 {include file='catalog/_partials/miniatures/product-custom.tpl' product=$product}

7. Finally in the file  catalog/_partials/miniatures/product-custom.tpl I did the hereunder modification to show another image in product listing

src = "{$product.cover.bySize.home_default_2.url}"

So after this modification when I visited my category "20" page on front office, it was working 

The problem came when I sored products or filtered them

The page reloaded and showed the standard render by using standard category.tpl


So I just found some interesting info in the doc about render:


The responsible function is updateProductListDOM

function updateProductListDOM (data) {


And the  file "classes/controllers/ProductListingFrontController.php"  is helped me to fix this problem

Thanks Razaro!

So this is a solution, but I'm wondering if there isn't another way to resolve this problem because if Prestashop giving the possibility tu customize templates for specific category so there should be a way to have the same render even when sorting or filtering, or they forget this part!




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Glad you find solution.

Thank you for detailed explanation and link to doc. I have read that before but did not found example where that could be used for.

But I think you can do this differently. Instead changing  few templates just to have different product page. You want to have different product

template but for whole category. Not sure if that is possible by default or if there is better place to write override, but I think you could do it this way.

Create override of Product Controller that will set new template if category is 20 else do regular. That is override of FrontControllers function 

    public function setTemplate($template, $params = array(), $locale = null)
            $this->getTemplateFile($template, $params, $locale)

so just set $template variable if id_category_default is 20, few lines of code. Did not test sorry but could work :)

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Well yes it's possible withe setTemplate function too

But finally I found another solution without touching controllers

I modified code in catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl  file 

So it was not needed to create catalog/_partials/miniatures/product-custom.tpl


{if $product.id_category_default<18}{$product.cover.bySize.home_default.url}{else}{$product.cover.bySize.home_default_2.url}{/if}

Best Regards

Edited by Dave! (see edit history)
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