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Does advanced stock management decrease the stock of products with the same reference number

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Dear prestashop users,

I have a small question about advanced stock management and I hope you could help me out.
If two products with the same reference number  have the option advanced stock management enabled, does the stock of both products decrease when one of the products is ordered?

Kind regards,


Edited by berend.starkenburg
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  On 2/14/2021 at 7:09 PM, requnael said:

Anyone can help me with this solution?


I don't understand this type of question about something that you can find out within 5 seconds by trying yourself. Do you expect someone else to know and be sure about such an exotic subject? Or do you expect him to do the experiments that for some reason you didn't do?

Every shop owner should maintain a copy of his life shop on his local computer for experimenting. 

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