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Free shipping erases all shipping costs. How can I still charge something for a specific carrier?


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Dear Community

We have two problem related carriers. One is without and the other with tracking. We'd like to charge 12.- for the tracking. Both are setup with base prices of 7.- for all available zones.

In the carrier preferences I have setup handling charges of 12.- and activated the handling costs on the carrier with tracking. The one without tracking has no handling costs. Now the problem starts with the field "Free shipping starts at" where we put in 100.-. We only want the base prices to be free and still charge 12.- for tracking costs.

Do you see any way to accomplish this? I think it's not possible? If the "free shipping starts at" would only count for the base prices that would be great, but somehow it's not possible which in my opinion is quite strange as something like that should be possible.

Any advice is greatly appreciated :)

All the best


Edited by oliiix (see edit history)
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