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Change original .tpl through module

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Hello all, I'm a newcomer to this forum.

I have some basic piece of code my first module, which has the ability to enable / disable the display of the title in the customer account registration. Switching the hide option in the administration works.

However, my question of her:

How do I modify the original prestashop file order-opc-new-account.tpl for hide this code from the form called from my module without modifying original files?

					<div class="required clearfix gender-line">
						<label>{l s='Social title'}</label>
						{foreach from=$genders key=k item=gender}
						<div class="radio-inline">
							<label for="id_gender{$gender->id_gender}" class="top">
							<input type="radio" name="id_gender" id="id_gender{$gender->id_gender}" value="{$gender->id_gender}"{if isset($smarty.post.id_gender) && $smarty.post.id_gender == $gender->id_gender || (isset($guestInformations) && $guestInformations.id_gender == $gender->id_gender)} checked="checked"{/if} />

through a module based on ORDERS_SOCIALTITLE boolean, which will be TRUE

Code: https://pastebin.com/raw/km42mJv6


Sorry for my bad english, thanks!

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Once you've created the theme, you simply copy the .tpl that you want to modify in your child theme, using the same directory structure as the parent theme. PS will then use your modified tpl. Don't forget to force recompilation of template (BO > Advanced parameters > Performance...).

Beware that the cache files will be created within your child theme directories.

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