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[SOLVED] Translate "From" tag


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I need to change a translation of the "From" tag that is located right next the product price in the product catalog because it isnt translated correctly (In the  picture you see "De" which is not correct and the reason i need to locate and translate it) .

Probabbly this  is a very basic and simple question but i already searched for it almost everywhere in the translation section and cannot find it :-(

Any help please (PS


Edited by diverest (see edit history)
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Hi Diverest,

this label comes from Legal Compliance Module, so you must access to translation area in your Backoffice and translate it from that module....BUT imagine that yesterday i found a bug ( later i will report on Forge) relative to this label!!...what happen with it?:

if you have a mult-ilanguage website and Smarty Cache is enabled this label will always be fixed on the same value that correspond at last value in cache....it doesn't change when you switch language!.

The problem is in ps_legalcompliance.php file

For a temporary solution you can comment out ( adding // before code) this code in that file, look for this function below:


private function dumpHookDisplayProductPriceBlock(array $smartyVars, $hook_type, $additional_cache_param = false)

 // $cache_id = sha1($hook_type.$additional_cache_param);
 $this->context->smarty->assign(array('smartyVars' => $smartyVars));

 $this->context->controller->addJS($this->_path.'views/js/fo_aeuc_tnc.js', true);
 $template = 'hookDisplayProductPriceBlock_'.$hook_type.'.tpl';

       return $this->display(__FILE__, $template);//, $cache_id);


But as soon as possible i will post the final solution on Forge.


PS: This solution comes from Razaro, the Global moderator of this forum



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  • diverest changed the title to [SOLVED] Translate "From" tag

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