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Issue with product sorting by stock + faceted search module


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I am using prestashop, live shop now, and I am not able to use faceted search module becouse is messing up products order in categories.

My settings:

 Shop Parameters -> Products -> Pagination -> Sort by: Product Quantity

If I enable the faceted search module, this sorting method will not work - products will be automaticly sorted by oldest products first. All other sorting methods will work fine.

This is a huge problem for me, becouse I have like 5.000 products and 60% of them are not in stock. I really need to show in stock products first. At the same time, I need Faceted Search to help my clients sort products easy.

Please help - this is a live shop and I can not find a fix for this!

Thank you

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  • 5 months later...



I've been looking in this issue also for a customer in the last days...

Found a work-a-round if it's still needed for you?


Open following file in \themes\your-theme\templates\catalog\_partials\sort-orders.tpl


In the Dropdown-menu code change from

<div class="dropdown-menu">
    {foreach from=$listing.sort_orders item=sort_order}
          class="select-list {['current' => $sort_order.current, 'js-search-link' => true]|classnames}"

To this

<div class="dropdown-menu">
    {foreach from=$listing.sort_orders item=sort_order}
          class="select-list "

Hope it helps!

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  • 5 months later...


I don't know if you resolved this problema, I had same problem in a shop with prestashop version. I have been finding a solution, and I see that is a bug.

But I resolved it changing ps_facetedsearch.php. In line 1358 (aprox.)

change  (I comented all this).

        //if (!Validate::isOrderBy($order_by)) {
        //    $order_by = 'cp.position';

        //if (!Validate::isOrderWay($order_way)) {
        //    $order_way = 'ASC';
        //$order_clause = $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;

and i put this:

$order_clause = 'stock.quantity DESC';

And now order by quantity!!!

Sorry for my bas english.!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/15/2018 at 11:39 PM, rastavmp said:


I don't know if you resolved this problema, I had same problem in a shop with prestashop version. I have been finding a solution, and I see that is a bug.

But I resolved it changing ps_facetedsearch.php. In line 1358 (aprox.)

change  (I comented all this).

        //if (!Validate::isOrderBy($order_by)) {
        //    $order_by = 'cp.position';

        //if (!Validate::isOrderWay($order_way)) {
        //    $order_way = 'ASC';
        //$order_clause = $order_by . ' ' . $order_way;

and i put this:

$order_clause = 'stock.quantity DESC';

And now order by quantity!!!

Sorry for my bas english.!!



I perfectly fixed my problem with this

thank you so much!

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