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database schema

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  • 6 months later...


We once used DB Designer for the database and had a schema up to date, but this software is not updated anymore and crash when the schema becomes to big and you save it too many times... which was the case.
It is now replaced by MySQL Bench, but this one is really slow and not really confortable tu use, at least in my opinion.

If you have any suggestion (open source of course), I'll be very happy to do it again!

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  • 4 years later...

If you use Eclipse, you can install the Plugin "dbeaver" for SQL-Management. This has an Digramm-Tab (which shows your Tables Visualy)

But i think Problem is, that the 1:1 1:n and n:m dependencies are not shown, and so you have to adjust it manualy.


Is tehre a tool outside, which automaticly found the dependencies of the tables?

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