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Prestashop Sub Menus doesn't work, keeps loading


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I have migrated my new site using PrestaShop v. (the newest version until this date (Jan 1st,2018).

On my localhost, it works well both back-end and front-end.

On the server, the back-end sub menus doesn't work. It keeps loading.

When you hover to the menu (e.g. Orders or Catalog or Customers or whatever), the submenus doesn't show up. 

Hope somebody know how to solve this issue.  Need help.......... Thanks.


This is environment of the server:


Server information: Linux #1 SMP Mon May 22 17:31:11 EDT 2017 x86_64

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.6.32

Memory limit: 2048M

Max execution time: 1000

Upload Max File size: 64M


MySQL version: 5.6.32-78.1-log

MySQL server:

Tables prefix: ps_

MySQL engine: InnoDB

MySQL driver: DbPDO


PrestaShop version:

Current theme in use: classic

Languages enabled : English and Indonesian

Single Store




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1) Reduce the memory_limit of your server. If you are giving the whole bandwith of memory on only one software running on the server, you will get exactly this type of behavior. Check server settings here:


More than the settings named there you don't need. They are tested with a shop with 20k products.

BTW: the screen you attached is not Back-office of PS 1.7. Are you sure that you are using PS 1.7.?

2) Clear smarty and browser cache.

3) Activate debug mode and check for errors as well.

4) Check server error logs.


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Yes, it is .  


PrestaShop version:   (I didn't type this,  but copy paste it from the screen Advanced Parameters. I can still click the menu, but not the sub menu.  The first sub menu of Advanced Parameters is "Information".  That's the version )

I will try your advice.........

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i have changed the PHP.ini as advised.  The back-end submenus still doesn't work, keep loading and loading.  In addition, now the frontend site, all the product images can't show up. If somebody knows how to fix this, please let me know... 

This is my latest config


MySQL version: 5.6.32-78.1-log

MySQL server:

Tables prefix: ps_

MySQL engine: InnoDB

MySQL driver: DbPDO


PrestaShop version:

Current theme in use: classic

Languages enabled : English and Indonesian

Single Store

PHP config

PHP version: 5.6.32

memory_limit = 512M      
max_execution_time = 300  
max_input_time = 300 
upload_max_filesize = 20M 
post_max_size = 20M    
max_input_vars = 10000
allow_url_fopen = on
safe_mode = off

The below settings by default already enabled on the Bluehost server (I don't configure these)

JSON enabled version 1.2.1

CTYPE functions enabled

CURL enabled

OpenSSL enabled version 1.0

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1) Cache also cleared, as the screen you attached is not of Prestashop back-office 1.7. If you after clear cache still have the same screen, than upgrade of PS 1.6. zto PS 1.7. failed. Furthermore before you upgrade major versions, you need to disable all overrides and non-native modules and themes. Only after this you will be able to upgrade the shop without issues. You used 1-click module for to upgrade your PS 1.6 to PS 1.7. ?

2) Debug mode activated ? Which errors are you having ?

3) Server settings I indicated says: open SSL 1.2. or higher.....

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1. Cache already cleared for 2 times. I didn't use the 1-click module. Actually, what I did was,   i downloaded the newest version 1.7.24 from https://www.prestashop.com/en/download and then setup from scratch. After I finished all the configuration of 1.7,  configure the classic theme, the shop parameters, tax, carriers, localizations, translations etc. and then i setup the products category, and the products data (pricing, images, discount, and so on). And then, i did testing on my localhost, and it was proven running perfect including the ordering process.

And then, i upload all the files from my local \wamp\www\myfolder to the \public_html from the very beginning.  So, there was nothing in the public_html folder (so, there should be no 1.6.x setup in that folder, as it was an empty folder before i upload everything).

Regarding the indication wrong screen 1.7,  I was curious, and i did google the look and feel of prestashop 1.7.  It looks to me that  the screen of the production backend screen is similar with my localhost and similar also with those google search results. The menus' name also looks the same, except that the submenus behave strange.  I have no idea how should it look like........ If possible, please explain what's wrong with the screen, so that i may be able to recognize it.

2. Debug mode --> i need to learn further what, how and where to start,  as I never did this before, as i am not really expert in this area... Just a dummy user, "debug" is something sounds a bit scary for me :)

3. yes you mentioned the Open SSL should be 1.2 or higher....... i may have to find out in the bluehost cpanel how to upgrade this one.  No experience on this. 

Thanks for your advice, Hope i can get thru all these issues.


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1) You should not make any upgrades "by the scratch". If you want clean install, than export data form database to csv and than reimport to new installed shop. All other things are not reliable that it will work. Your back-office in screen attached is not PS 1.7. !

2) you need to upgrade SSL, otherwise Shop will not work.

3) how to activate debug mode: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information-blank-page-500-internal-server-error/

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are you sure the minimum requirement of the open SSL is 1.2 ?   I have checked with the bluehost technical support, he said to me they have not yet upgraded to 1.2 at this moment.  I also checked www.openssl.org, the latest news on 7 Dec 2017 is 

07-Dec-2017 OpenSSL 1.0.2n is now available, including bug and security fixes
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Oh sorry, yes I meant 1.0.2 and not 1.2.

This was discussed in forum during beta version of PS 1.7. It is min requirement.


This problem was never fixed for PS 1.7, although it was discussed in forum.

Open SSL 1.0.2 is available since 2015 and not Dec. 2017. Perhaps your provider released it only in December 2017.

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