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Better Digital Downloads = $200 Donation

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Honestly guys, I have to tell you that your application is AWESOME, BUT I desperately need the ability to do two things:
I sell Blackberry themes www.berryxtreme.com (beta) and www.blacksberry.com (production) and need the following:

1. Ability to assign multiple files and sell them as ONE product (themes have up to 20 files, although I only have to assign the .JAD file as the primary download file) This would need to have the same limits to downloads / access as your current digital file setup. As a note, OSCommerce currently has this working, but I consider their interface clunky and ugly. Here is a site (not mine) that uses this. www.coolblackberrythemes.com.

2. Ability to have different versions of the same product but with different files. (ie, different theme for different model Blackberry)

3. Also it would be "nice" to have multiple image upload capability instead of the one-by-one method currently in place

4. A FREE item. When an item has a price of $0. Give the client the ability to download them immediately. So instead of "Add to Cart" the button would say "Download" on the product page.

Other than these things, I LOVE this application and consider it one of the best on the internet.

P.S. Integrate this really simple FORUM into your software and I will chip in another $100. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would also be interested in the ability to assign multiple files to one product for download and do not wish to use OS Commerce.

It would also be nice to have variants that are assigned to the same product for different file downloads.

Variant: WMV = Product_1_File.WMV
Variant: Xvid = Product_1_File.XVID
Variant: MP4 = Product_1_File.MP4

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Another thing that really needs to be implemented for digital downloads is adding a bunch of files at once. I'm running a music sales site (www.realmusic.com/store) and we're planning on adding digital downloads. But we have like 150 albums, so we can make 150 digital albums (zip) files to sell, but if they want to buy individual tracks, then we're talking about creating like 1500 products, this isn't really feasible.

SO maybe a mass upload, or way to upload an 'albums' worth of tracks and offer them individually or as a package via the product settings?



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I am also facing the same issue that weaselbringer has, which is a large number of digital products that would be more efficient if there were a batch upload of some sort.

I am also having an Error: Big Error problem when uploading files over 3-4M (posted in another thread)

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  • 1 month later...

I also need this feature.
1. A batch uploaded that is not accociated with a product at upload time.
Files (multiple options) would be assoc with a product listing post-upload.

2. Multiple files per product (rar.rart1, rar.part2 etc)
Multiple options for single/multiple file products ( Option A= kkk.mp4& jjj.mp4 Option B= kkk.wmv& jjj.wmv )

3. The Big Error problem is fixed easily within php.ini
see other thread

Looks like a Great Program... now if I could just get the thing to work......

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