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shop access only for registered user


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1) If you don't want to pay for a module, besides there are several others on paid addons site for VIP shops, than you need to adapt the code. This is a developing request and not a task between lines. You need to have knowledge of Prestashop's core architecture and php, SQL and css.

Take a look into controller files and you will be able to construct an override or module for your purposes.

Developer docu: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Developer+Guide


2) Another simple, but not liable solution is the use of customer groups. How to  configure: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Managing+Customers

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Products you can hide via caegory and than customer groups.

Search: you cannot hide and that it is why I wrote before: not liable solution

To use the site as "login first" you cannot do this without module or changes on code via override. if you are programmer should be an easy task (also wrote before). If you're not, than only by paid addon.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb tijopromantia:

I think  we can hide the cart and search with some css tricks, is it possible?

You can do that very easy in the backoffice:

Go to backoffice-->modules-->position

Find the blocksearch module (and later also the blockcart module) in the DisplayTop section, click on edit

Then you can name the pages (in this case "index")where the module should not  be displayed in the "exceptions option"



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Make sure that "search" is not available on your site for non-registered users. By search you will find each product, also the one restricted to a group. Furthermore you should make sure that nobody will access your page by a link on serps. This will also disable all your efforts to "hide" your shop for non-registered users.

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And you have done this in the right section? In a default installation it's in displayTop




You have saved your changes?

You have deleted all cashes (smarty, extended, browser)?

I've several "private" customer-shops (PS 1.6.06 - with this modification , for example this:


and I've tried this modification just now, in our demoshop, you can see the result here:







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@Whiley Thank you for the prompt reply.

The problem now I am facing is:-

The url I want to hide search and cart is, and it is not working in this page.

When I load it works but I want it in this url only -, because when registered users goes to index.php they have to see the search and cart.

Edited by tijopromantia (see edit history)
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  • 6 years later...

If You want login and password for not logged users change:



        if (self::$initialized) {

        self::$initialized = true;




    if (!$this->context->customer->isLogged() && $this->php_self != 'authentication') {


it will show only header and footer.

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