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How to display the description for each subctegory ?


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Helo everyone,

i'm trying to display the description of the subcategories on the ps_categorytree module (of course not a classic theme).

Here's the non-edited code of the module

{function name="categories" nodes=[] depth=0}
    {if $nodes|count}
      <ul class="category-sub-menu">
        {foreach from=$nodes item=node}
          <li data-depth="{$depth}">
            {if $depth===0}
              <a href="{$node.link}">{$node.name}</a>
              {if $node.children}
                <div class="navbar-toggler collapse-icons" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#exCollapsingNavbar{$node.id}">
                  <i class="ion-ios-arrow-right add"></i>
                  <i class="ion-ios-arrow-down remove"></i>
                <div class="collapse" id="exCollapsingNavbar{$node.id}">
                  {categories nodes=$node.children depth=$depth+1}
              <a class="category-sub-link" href="{$node.link}">{$node.name}</a>
              {if $node.children}
                <span class="arrows" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#exCollapsingNavbar{$node.id}">
                  <i class="ion-ios-arrow-right"></i>
                  <i class="ion-ios-arrow-down"></i>
                <div class="collapse" id="exCollapsingNavbar{$node.id}">
                  {categories nodes=$node.children depth=$depth+1}

<div class="block-categories">
  <ul class="category-top-menu">
    <li class="cat_header"><a href="{$categories.link nofilter}">{$categories.name}</a></li>
    <li class="cat_list">{categories nodes=$categories.children}</li>

And I've tried to add this code

{if $node.description}
<div id="category-description" class="text-muted">{$node.description nofilter}</div>

After this line

              <a href="{$node.link}">{$node.name}</a>

It doesn't work... I've tried to add the code into multiple places but it just doesn't work either.

I need your help!

Thanks a lot !

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