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Lost images when upgrading to 1.6, incorrect paths

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Hello community members,

I upgraded to Prestashop 1.6, and am still working on the cloned (developement) site as the V 1.4 site is still live.

One issue is that all images are gone (replaced by the question mark). I'm familiar with the regeneration process but it won't work, as the new site does not seem to find the images: error come up as


L'image d'origine (/home/sitename/public_html/img/p/1/3/9/5/1395.jpg) est manquante ou vide pour le produit ID 650.


I synchronized images from the original live site again, and all images are in the new site.

There are no folders called with such numbers inside the P folder that contains images for products. There are folders 5 through 9.

I checked the htaccess file in case it would be a path / rewrite issue but the file is the same as on the original site.

What could cause the new site to look for images in those non-existent folders ?


Help appreciated, thanks.


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It seems to me that you are asking the wrong question.

Product 630 has image 1395. That should be so in both the old and the new shop. If there is a difference the question is why. What other number does it have in the other shop? And is the other number also present in the shop without images.

If there is no difference the question is why this image hasn't been copied correctly.

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