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sort by order lost after hit back button


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Hello to the community

I have a problem with one of my customers shop

After someone pick a sort order and then view a product and then hit the buck button the sort by is lost and displays products in default order..

although in sort by dropdown is still selected the correct sort (whatever the customer had choose)

this is a major hit in users experience as he needs to pick sort by field everytime that sees a product and then hit the back button, can you please point me to what might be wrong?

Thank you in advance

Edited by vagmor (see edit history)
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i just noticed that the same thing happens to products per page i have default 24 but if i change it to 48  it shows 48 products per page but if i click a product and then hit the back button it shows again 24... same thing goes to the sort order this must be a common problem... i also notides that id i go to the second page then everything works fine...so the problem narows to first page of all categories

please someone must have something to comment 

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