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Run Sql query to round prices


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I need to run sql query to round prices, around 5000 products its causing dismatch in google shopping and i have to fix this.

example of current prices:



Prestashop version 1.6.11 and i do have access to phpmyadmin so just need the query. Thanks

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I have very few products with price impact depending on the attribute so that wont be a problem i just need to remove or round the decimals with a sql query, 


i tried this from other thread but it didnt do anything ?  Also tried it on ps_product_shop


UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price` = (SELECT (CEILING((`price`)*2)/2))


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49 minutes ago, Kolopsia said:

I have very few products with price impact depending on the attribute so that wont be a problem i just need to remove or round the decimals with a sql query, 


i tried this from other thread but it didnt do anything ?  Also tried it on ps_product_shop


UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price` = (SELECT (CEILING((`price`)*2)/2))



PrestaShop was design price field as a decimal number with the decimals 6 numbers. And the price it should be like this number.xxxxx. So in this case the best solution is process from PHP or Javascript at front-end not database.

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