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Disable buy button after click


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I'm with Prestashop I have the issue that I can click 2 times or more on the buy button in the checkout. Is there a way I can disable the button, after I clicked on it the first time?

When I click the button twice then there is a ugly white page appearing, with the message on it, that the shopping cart is already payed.

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I added this in /themes/core.js

$('body#checkout #payment-confirmation .btn-primary').prop('disabled',true);

Just before the form gets submitted. The form gets submitted on this line:

(0, _jquery2['default'])('#pay-with-' + option + '-form form').submit();

Just put my line before this one and the submit button gets disabled after one click.
It's a bit a hack, I know, but it works...

If there are better solutions, please post them here!

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