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create horizontal blockviewed on product page (1.6)


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Will be suitable for those who has removed the seen goods from columns and wants to bring them only in a footer of products (where goods in this category there).

For a start we need to disconnect the module from excess hook in arrangements of modules (displayleftcolumn и displayrightcolumn).

further we come in blockviewed. php ( public_html/modules/blockviewed) and insert this code:

public function hookProductFooter($params)
return $this->hookRightColumn($params);

we save file and attach the module to the created Hook.

Further in the same folder we change blockviewed. tpl  and blockviewed. css for files which I have attached (blockviewed1. tpl и blockviewed1. css).

further we come in public_html/themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blockviewed and change blockviewed. tpl for file i have attached blockviewed2. tpl.

the following step, we come in public_html/themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/blockviewed
and  change file blockviewed. css for file i have attached blockviewed2. css.

we go to settings of the module and we put for example goods 12.


we clean a cache and everything is ready.

what turns out as a result: we have 12 seen goods with a slider to the left to the right.



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