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[solved] ERROR: Notice on line 785 in file...


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20 hours ago, selectshop.at said:

The theme you are using is not compatible with the Prestashop Version or the server configuration. You should revert to the developer and ask for debug.


Thanks for the reply. We use the theme Default-bootstrap about 2 years without any problems. The error above-mentioned is in BO. In FO is the error undermentioned. And I don´t understand why,,,???


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The messages you are seeing are only notices, and not errors. If you disable debug mode, they will disappear. Notices are warnings, that something is not running well and could cause problems in future, if you make some changes on server settings, or install new parts. PHP Notices are really notices, nothing crucial for to debug.


Nevertheless, if you want to debug the problems than you should do this:

The problem is with caching of theme parts. In this case a payment module you are using and the return file.

1) You should disable all third party modules and overrides in Performances Tab.

2) Maintain Prestashop core, theme and modules always up to date and compatible with the Prestashop version in use.

3) Delete cache on tab tab advanced parameters -> performance (buttons on top right side).

5) Server settings should be also compatible with Pretashop version in use. See settings here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/633856-server-requirements-tested-in-production-for-ps-16/

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