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V1.3.1 erorr Fieldname translation in BO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rocky,

The error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Currency in ...\classes\Currency.php on line 251

My currency.php attach below, please see for more detail. By the way, I want change the link http://www.prestashop.com/xml/currencies.xml to http://www.vietcombank.com.vn/exchangerates/ExrateXML.aspx for auto update current. But I'm not successful. Please help me out.

Many thanks.


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  • 7 months later...
Edit config/config.inc.php and temporarily change 'display_errors' from 'off' to 'on' so that you get an error message instead of a blank page. Post the error message here.

Hi Rocky,

I have the same problem on the error is:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PDF_PageGroup in /home/sites/mysite.com/public_html/classes/PDF.php on line 69

Here is the code mentioned:

67.         parent::_putpages();
68.    }
69.  }
71. class PDF extends PDF_PageGroup
72. {
73.     private static $order = NULL;
74.     private static $orderReturn = NULL;
75.     private static $orderSlip = NULL;
76.     private static $delivery = NULL;
77.     private static $_priceDisplayMethod;
79.     /** @var object Order currency object */
80.     private static $currency = NULL;
82.     private static $_iso;

Any help on this?

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  • 4 months later...



Did you solve this as i have the same problem too with the same error on PS v1.3.2.3





Edit config/config.inc.php and temporarily change 'display_errors' from 'off' to 'on' so that you get an error message instead of a blank page. Post the error message here.
<br/><br/>Hi Rocky,<br/><br/>I have the same problem on the error is:<br/><br/>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class PDF_PageGroup in /home/sites/mysite.com/public_html/classes/PDF.php on line 69<br/><br/><br/>Here is the code mentioned:<br/><br/>
<br/>67.         parent::_putpages();<br/>68.    }<br/>69.  }<br/>70. <br/>71. class PDF extends PDF_PageGroup<br/>72. {<br/>73.     private static $order = NULL;<br/>74.     private static $orderReturn = NULL;<br/>75.     private static $orderSlip = NULL;<br/>76.     private static $delivery = NULL;<br/>77.     private static $_priceDisplayMethod;<br/>78.<br/>79.     /** @var object Order currency object */<br/>80.     private static $currency = NULL;<br/>81.<br/>82.     private static $_iso;<br/><br/>

<br/><br/><br/>Any help on this?

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